Preparation for the GRE requires an investment of time. In our course, we will help you manage your preparation time and supply you with the essential tools necessary to achieve a high score on the exam. There is no doubt that a high GRE Score will greatly increase your chances of attaining admission to the university of your choice.
By examining each area of the GRE in depth- verbal, quantitative and the New Writing Assessments, you will know what to expect and be able to set goals for improving your performance level. Students will be given two in-class practice tests. They will also have access to computers with GRE software, enabling them to become familiar with the computer-based exam.

GRE Analytical Writing Assessment
GRE Reading Comprehension
GRE Critical Reasoning
GRE Text Completion
GRE Sentence Equivalence

GRE Geometry
GRE Word Problems
GRE Math Tricks
GRE Math Workshop

Monday and Wednesday (3 Hrs/day, 6:00 PM-9:00 PM)
4 weeks
Saturday (6 Hrs/day, 10:00 AM-4:00 PM)
4 weeks
Sunday (6 Hrs/day, 10:00 AM-4:00 PM)
4 weeks
24 hours total

Classes begin:
September 12, 2016
October 10, 2016
January 9, 2017

GRE test dates:
October 8, 2016
November 5, 2016
February 4, 2017

Books are not included in the tuition