Academic Clubs
We are proud to have worked for the past 2 years and still with the most popular club, ACM. Starting Fall 2014, we will have another 3 new Computer Clubs : Web Development & 3D Gaming, Mobile Application Development and Robotics Clubs .Clubs are not only restricted for computer science students only, all students are welcome to join any of those clubs.
The ACM Club
ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), is the world’s largest educational and scientific computing society, it delivers resources that advance computing as a science and a profession. ACM Organization was established in 1947. NAU ACM is North American University ACM student chapter which is a non-profit organization, and managed by NAU Computer Science students. NAU ACM supports and encourages students to attend competitions, apply for internships, do extra projects.
Data Science Lab
The Data science Lab, also known as data-driven science, is an interdisciplinary field about scientific methods, processes, and systems to extract knowledge or insights from data in various forms, either structured or unstructured, similar to data mining.
Cybersecurity Lab
The Cybersecurity Lab is a student run organization at North American University. Our main purpose is to develop and encourage Cybersecurity awareness and application by providing students with the tools and education they need to advance their cyber security careers. To accomplish this goal, we organize community outreach programs about security related topics, host tech talks and guest speakers and participate in security related competitions and conventions.
Bioinformatics Lab
The Bioinformatics Lab, as a branch of ACM Club, actively functioning and running in our campus, is aiming to both, achievement and success of students and school itself. Our main focus is sharpening and polishing necessary skills for a Bioinformatician/Computational Biologist of our current members and other required skills in the areas of their interests essential for team projects. Another mission, Bioinformatic Lab conducts is development of an environment open to everyone who want to direct their academic and/or extracurricular path on Computational Biology and related fields. Working environment denotes different types of corporations, bringing up and solving together problems, and making the lab outcomes applicable, and sustainable for outside world.
The ACM-ICPC Lab is a competitive programming preparatory lab. Student here learn the depth knowledge of algorithms and data structures which they then apply to solving computer science problems. Our main focus is on building a strong foundation of core computer science concepts in order to guarantee the success of our students. The ACM-ICPC Lab competes every year in the ACM-ICPC Competitions. We help our members prepare for interviews at top tech companies such as Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc…
Xamarin Lab
With the ever-rising demand for smartphone applications, our main goal is to provide the tools and education needed to advance in mobile development careers. Partnered with Microsoft, Xamarin provide an easy-to-use and powerful tools to create native multiplatform applications on a shared C# codebase.
Starter Lab
Are you a freshman at NAU and are majoring in Computer Science? Well this is the place for you to start you path to a successful career! Join the starter lab to learn all the fundamental you need to kick start your Computer Science degree.
Industry Lab
If you are planning on joining the industry and working as a Software Engineer, Network Specialist, or any other Computer Science position you need know how to find the right positions, how to apply, and how to pass the interviews. Industry lab is here to help you correct your resume, find jobs and connect with the right people to get the right job at the best place!