Faculty of General Education
The General Education Department has faculty members specializing in a variety of fields including English Language Arts/Education, Mathematic/Education, Education and Supervision, Computer, Educational Technology, Educational Leadership, and Counseling disciplines.

B.S. Interdisciplinary Studies

Humanities and Fine Arts
(832) 230-5083, Rm. 816
Ph.D. Fine Arts Texas Tech
M.Ed. Curriculum & Instruction University of Houston,
M.A. Architectural History Savannah College of Art & Design

(832) 230-5164, Rm. 840
Degrees: B.A. Liberal Arts,
M.A. Professional & Technical Writing,
Secondary Education Teacher Certificate (AR); English Language Arts

(832) 230-5081, Rm. 842
M. A. Speech Communication
B.S. Telecommunication

(832) 230-5020, Rm. 842
Ph D in Higher Education,
M. Ed. In Special Education,
B.A. in Business Management
(832) 230-5122, Rm. 840
Master of Science in Mathematics
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, Minor in Psychology
(832) 230-5555, Rm. 831
Master of Science in Mathematics
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
Adjunct Faculty
Christopher Gerdes, History | cgerdes@na.edu
David Jung, Sociology | djung@na.edu
Deborah McGinty, Psychology | dmcginty@na.edu
Janice Harder, Government | jharder@na.edu
Larry Whittington, Mathematics | lwhittington@na.edu
Mounira Morgem, Biology | mmorgem@na.edu
Orlando Bruzual, Spanish | obruzual@na.edu
Suleyman Incekara, Geology and Geography | sincekara@na.ed
Stacey Burleson, English, History & Philosophy | sburleson@na.edu
Raiz Mahmood, Macroeconomics | rmahmood@na.edu
Kyialbek Akmoldoev, Microeconomics |kakmoldoev@na.edu
Kenneth Fahndrick, Mathematics | kfahndrick@na.edu