NAU Articulation and Memorandum of Agreements
Articulation agreement is academic partnership between community colleges and four-year institutions. An articulation agreement usually provides a simplified, guaranteed transfer process for transfer students.
1. Houston Community College, USA
HCC graduates who have earned an Associate degree in recommended program with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 on a 4.0 scale and apply to a related degree program (see Schedule I for the list of program-to-program mapping) at NAU, shall be eligible for admission into the North American University, Bachelor’s degree Programs.
Schedule I: Program to Program Mapping
HCC Program -> Computer Science Program to NAU Program -> BS in Computer Science
HCC Program -> Teacher Education to NAU Program -> BS in Interdisciplinary Studies in Education
For those HCC students interested in transferring to NAU prior to completing their associate’s degree, transferability of course work will be evaluated on a course-by-course basis. List of transferable courses can be found in Schedule II.
2. Texas Southern University, USA
TSU and NAU agree that the courses taken at either institution are transferable to applicable programs and to other programs as an elective if applicable. TSU accepts up to 66 credit hours and NAU accepts up to 66 credit hours. Periodically, a technical review team (preferably department heads and/ or deans) from each institution will initiate a review of course equivalency. The frequency of the review shall be no fewer than once every three years.
TSU and NAU agree that any students who completed the English as a second language program at either institution will be accepted as language proficient and TOEFL requirements will be waived. Students may need to take remedial courses if necessary.
This agreement will remain in effect until 4/30/2017.
3. Tishk University, Iraq
In an effort to promote higher education, expand educational opportunities for students, and promote joint efforts in providing affordable educational services, North American University and Tishk University proudly announced a memorandum of agreement that was signed on April 15, 2013, in the areas of Intensive English, Business Administration, Education, and Computer Science. President Pecen and International Student Office Director Ms. Diane Ward also visited US Consulate General in Erbil, Iraq in April 2013, to talk about the memorandum of agreement signed between two institutions and how to help the prospective students from Iraq to Houston, TX for their ESL and higher education needs. https://tiu.edu.iq