Distance Education

Distance Education

Distance Education is a formal educational process where most instruction takes place when students and instructors are not in the same location. North American University (NAU) offers distance education courses in a fully online format. An online course is defined as one where all regularly scheduled face-to-face class meetings are replaced by required learning activities completed at a distance and managed online. These courses enable students to participate from geographically remote locations without the need to visit campus. 

NAU’s online courses are delivered entirely through Canvas, the university’s Learning Management System (LMS). To access your courses and assignments, log into your Office 365 account and select the ‘MyPortal’ app. You’ll find the ‘Canvason the Homepage. 

Participation in these online courses requires access to a personal computer or compatible mobile device with reliable internet connectivity. A detailed review of our Technology Requirements is strongly recommended to ensure you meet all the prerequisites for successful engagement in online learning. 

Online courses feature a combination of synchronous (real-time) and asynchronous (self-paced) activities to accommodate diverse learning styles. Students interact with instructors, course materials, and peers exclusively in the virtual environment. 

Additionally, students are expected to follow Netiquette Guidelines for respectful and effective communication in this digital learning space. Adhering to these principles ensures a positive and productive experience for all participants in the online academic community. 

Technology Requirements

In the North American University online learning environment, computer software and hardware allows you to communicate clearly and effectively with faculty, staff, and other students. It is the vehicle by which you submit all course assignments. Without the appropriate software and hardware, you will not be able to access course materials, collaborate with faculty, and complete assignments for submission and grading. All courses at NAU require assignments to be submitted using Microsoft Office. Assignments created using other applications, such as Google Documents, Open Office, WordPerfect, etc. are not acceptable. Macintosh files created using applications other than the MS Office suite are not satisfactory and will not be accepted by the instructor. 

Computer Skills

NAU distance education students are expected to have good computer skills mentioned below, and to have access to a reliable computer and internet provider. Students are expected to solve their technical difficulties with their computer, Internet access,  or other issues which are outside of the control of NAU staff. If you do not possess the skills mentioned below, you will have some technology to learn in addition to the curriculum of the courses you take and should make extra time in your schedule accordingly.

Some courses will require more extensive web searching than others. All courses will require continued use of an Internet Browser. Many courses will require proficiency at conducting on-line searches using search engines and directories. This is a minimal skill for participating in an Internet course.
Many courses will involve downloading software and/or installing course-specific software.
In addition to being able to send and receive e-mail messages, skill in attaching files and objects (pictures and graphics) is essential to success in an Internet course.
These are basic computer skills that will be useful in nearly every Internet course.
Basic proficiency in word processing is fundamental to success in an Internet course. Students must be able to create, edit, save, and retrieve documents; plus cutting and pasting to and from e-mail.

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Contact Info

Email: elearning@na.edu
Phone: 832-464-8691
Room: 703
Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm